A blog of reflections and exploration of the mysteries of the esoteric and life.

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About the Blog
People used to ask me "Who do you want to be like?" My answer was simple: “No one.”
You should not make yourself an idol as no single human is perfect, and neither do you know the who's and what's of that person's life. Instead, think critically and trust your intuition. Think for yourself.
I am Dasha, and I aim to record my own thoughts and experiences in this rapidly changing world. I seek the truth and try to make sense of what our world – our reality – is really about.
This record came about from my own spiritual journey and evolution, and I hope that the materials you read will help you on your own spiritual path. Maybe something becomes clear to you, like something just clicks neatly into its place. Or perhaps something resonates deeply with you and opens up new avenues to explore and experience.
My only request is that you analyze all information without rushing to a conclusion and blind faith but neither dismiss things so easily. Be open-minded.
The truth is not always on the left or the right - but a bit of both or in the middle.